RISE – Relaunch Initiative to Search Employment Our Flagship Return to Work program


Very excited to launch our Return to Work program – “RISE – Relaunch Initiative to Search Employment”- to help people rejoining work after a careerbreak.

I was driven to launch our returntowork program formally after reading an article last week, which suggested that more than 200 global firms run such programs and yet we have heard so little formally about them in India.

Such programs started nearly a decade ago with an investmentbank, so it only seems fit to start this here with our Investment Banking Consulting & Offshoring (IBCO) Practice.

So here goes – if you have worked in or know people with experience in the following, do reply to us in this post – Business Finance, Product Control, Financial Control, Regulatory Reporting, Quant, Analytics, Risk, Research, Fund Accounting, Operations, Settlement, Reconciliation, IT, Compliance, Surveillance or related roles.

Now in lighter vein, I found some cool names that companies call their programs – Returnship, BreakThrough, Return Flight, Real Returns, Resume, RePower, Re-entry, Take 2, NextChapter, Comeback, Rework, Re-employ, Debut 2.0, Encore, Re-ignite,… phew!

I was even thinking of calling our program PPP or Prodigal Professional Program, but wouldn’t it be too controversial?

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Trends In Compliance

  • We see this function exist only in GIC/Captive centers and not in any of the third- party outsourcing providers
  • Investment Banking offshore centers that have the biggest teams in India include a European banking major, a leading commercial bank, an American financial services firm, US Investment Bank, a Europe/ Asia banking firm and an Asia-based financial services group among others followed by a global banking firm, a British investment bank, a French international banking group, a Swiss Investment Bank, a global investments company and a global investment bank
  • The talent pool is predominantly concentrated in Mumbai and Bengaluru followed by Delhi, Chennai and Pune
  • The most often requested research on compliance roles we see are in Trade Surveillance roles as well as Control Room, Chinese Walls and Personal Account Dealings. Most First Line of Defense roles are seen in reporting though Second Line of Defense roles are across the board. Technology roles can also be seen in Financial Crime and AML. Pure Third Line of Defense roles are very few though these are bundled in other job functions.
  • A global banking firm is rightsizing compliance roles across the world, so it may impact some Compliance Risk and Analytics jobs in the domain in the short to medium term
  • Please note that Bank/Organization names have been withheld in these summaries, For a detailed version of this report and pricing, please contact bd-central@symphonihr.com

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